Espanol ship

Ship for me

From Our China Warehouse to Your Doorstep

Send goods  you have bought from sellers and providers to our China-based warehouse, and we will deliver them anywhere to your doorstep. If you are buying from multiple sellers, we will collect and combine all your packages in our warehouse before shipping globally. It will reduce your chargeable shipping weight and it lowers your international shipping cost. Or if you want to use our dropshipping service, in which you just send your parcels to our warehouse and only use our facility to ship out each one to different places upon your request, you just send request from your chinashipshop platform.

We cooperate with big international courier companies to provide you with the best rate.

We have our partners such as DHL, FedEx, Aramex, UPS,TNT,EMS and other international courier companies to deliver your parcels at large discounts (the rates that these companies originally provide to their customers)

Delivery straight to your doorstep

The shipping agent for  your parcel will deliver it  straight at your doorstep . If there is no one at home to receive the parcel, the delivery agent will call you so that re-deliver other day and will keep on re-delivering until someone receive it. The re-delivery will be free. It is a premium delivery service.

Receive your Shipments in 47 business days

International shipping through the big air courier companies like DHL, FedEx, UPS&Aramex  usually takes only 4-7 working days.we only use EMS for delicate items that might need extra care for handling.

The heavier your shipment, the lower your cost per kg

More heavier your shipment, you can get the lower rate per kilo, So It had better for you to purchase more item and send them to our warehouse to consolidate in one package to ship out. The more your shipment you send, The more benefit you will get.

Actual Weight/Volume Weight

The shipping company will charge actual weight and Volume weight as their standard ,the delivery cost will be chargeable depends on which weight is more heavier.

Fuel Charges Included

Our international shipping prices includes all the underlying fees such as fuel that the courier companies charge us. So chinashipshop take this fuel charge and other related export handling and documentation fees as well.

Sensitive Product

The sensitive product are those that need extra carefulness while shipping and include product like liquid, food product, powder, cosmetics, batteries, motors and things made of wood, but the list of sensitive products is not limited to the above mentioned item. Such items might require a special air courier shipping way.

Sea Shipments

large shipments we might ship it in container by sea.

For more details you can contact us at

E-Packet Shipping

E-packet shipping will be service only for high volume shipments of small product to many different addresses. For more details you can contact us at